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My body is my best friend

Recently I turned 45. It was a very different birthday for me. For the first time in years, decades even, I really felt that this life that I have, the body that I have is worth some appreciation and celebration. It was a very honest, deep need that I felt within. Maybe it’s the middle […]

what’s your way?

I would like to encourage you today to pause for a moment and think of how you support your body to stay healthy and strong. Can I share with you what I do to support mine? My priority is:– a good quality 8h sleep in a cool, well ventilated room– hydration as I have the […]

Deep sleep

There are many things we can do to keep our body healthy, our mind calm, rested and our immune system doing it’s job. Sleep is so often overlooked but it’s so, so important. Somehow in our culture not needing much sleep is considered an advantage by some. How did this happen I’m asking? Very often […]

Why do we meditate?

How to advertise meditation? How to show on visually focused social media what meditation is if everything happens inside? How to encourage others to try it without promising some incredible out of body experiences, enlightenment or other ‘spiritual fireworks’? I can do it by sharing my experiences. And why do I meditate? Why do I […]

Polish Yoga :)

Picking wild mushrooms is a kind of Polish yoga. It’s very popular in my home country, many people practise it and most have at least a general knowledge of the most popular edible species.There is a whole culture, rituals, do’s and don’ts around it. I was never into it although I love eating mushrooms, cooked, […]

Acknowledge your emotions

Being a yogi may not mean you’re always blissful. In your life journey there will be dark moments, when old emotions are triggered, let them come. Don’t ignore them as what you resist persists. Acknowledge what is happening, give yourself permission to be vulnerable, to cry or laugh… express your emotions and allow yourself to […]

Strong Core – video

This is a short yoga sequence focusing on the core. Rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus, external and internal obliques serve a very important purpose in all types of movements. Strong core also means healthy spine. So hop on the mat, move with awareness and connect with your breath. Enjoy your practice, enjoy your body ?

Between Pushing and Letting Go

benita yoga barking and dagenham east london

‘Yoga is a dance between control and surrender – between pushing and letting go – and when to push and when to let go becomes part of the creative process, part of the open-ended exploration of your being.’ Joel Kramer Do you feel that you’ve tried everything and it’s still not working? I feel like […]

Something about relationships

Tt’s been 18 years last weekend since my first date with my life companion ?to celebrate this impressive number we spend a long weekend in nature, camping, enjoying the Sun, picturesque mountains, cold rivers… which is what we both love…I feel privileged to have this long relationship experience, I feel lucky to see us change […]