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There are many things we can do to keep our body healthy, our mind calm, rested and our immune system doing it’s job. Sleep is so often overlooked but it’s so, so important. Somehow in our culture not needing much sleep is considered an advantage by some. How did this happen I’m asking? Very often we don’t realise that our afternoon and evening habits may not be actually supporting a good, nourishing sleep. Here’s what may help with healthy, restorative sleep…

1. Avoid eating heavy meals in the evening. If you can, switch to eating your main meal at lunch time, when your agni (Ayurvedic term for digestive fire) is at it’s strongest, and having something lighter in the evening.

2. Tea, coffee, energy drinks, even hot chocolate contain caffeine, a stimulant that keeps your mind active. Instead, drink a warming Ayurvedic of warm milk (cow’s or plant based) mixed with a pinch of nutmeg. Nutmeg contains magnesium helping to quiet the nervous system and prepare us for sleep. Herbal tea like chamomile or lavender is a good option too.

3. Create a habit of oil massaging your hands and feet before sleep. Your hands and feet both contain balancing pressure points, that when stimulated, help relieve stress and promote calmness.

4. Get into a good daily routine that you can stick to, like going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each day, eating at regular meal times, even at the weekend.

I hope these few tips will help and you enjoy a restful sleep my friends 🙂

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